
In memory of a friend

I am writing to extend my deepest sympathies to Art’s family and Mrs Chanikan (lecturer), Ms Pook (class rep), Mr Lek (oldest friend). I was so sad to hear about Art’s pass away, he was the member of MBA @ in KBU.

I met him the first when he and his friends congratulated Ajan (อาจารย์ – lecturer) Chanikan on occasion of her birthday since 5 months ago. He was strong man and good-looking. Until I came back Bangkok again in last month I just had information that he had cancer and had being treated in hospital. His classmates, Ajan Chanikan and I often visited him in hospital. I saw him the last on Sunday, June 9 at the Siriraj Hospital. He was weak and had stomachache. And then I heard bad news. He was died in morning June 12, our Art was gone forever. In that time while I am writing in Vietnam, my good friends helped Art’s family in funeral.
I offer Art’s wife and family’s condolence with deepest sympathy.

The Art’s funeral. Photo: Art’s a friend.

Art’s mother, lectures and friends at funeral. 
Photo: Art’s a friend.

Ajan Chankan and friends visited Art (June 9, in hospital). Photo: An Buong.

Friends tried take a power transmission to Art 
(June 9, in hospital). Photo: An Buong.

Friends visited him in first days in hospital. 
Photos from Pook’s FB.

Ajan Nuch and friends have light meal after visiting Art 
(June 9, outside of hospital). Photo: An Buong.

Art and Ms Pook (class rep). 
Photo from Ms Pook’s FB.

Art, his wife, 2 lecturers and friends congratulated 
to lecturer Chanikan. Photo: An Buong.

An Buong (siamviet.blogspot.com)

P/s Oh, my laptop and Facebook access were in trouble for 5 days. How sad. This my status was posted just until now.